About Us

About Us

Vishwa Sanketi Bharati (VSB), founded in March 2008, is an organization registered under Karnataka Societies Act 1960, to preserve, promote and propagate Sankethi (A small group of South Indian Brahmin people residing in various villages and cities of Karnataka having their origin at Tamilnadu and Kerala) Culture, Art, Tradition, Language, Specialties and Uniqueness.

The Goal of VSB is to Preserve and promote

  • Vedic Tradition and Culture
  • Indian Classical Music
  • Gamaka ( A folk singing Art)
  • Sanskrit Language
  • Sankethi Language and culture
  • Agriculture

VSB also aims at developing social harmony and introducing the Indian Art and culture to all people of the society. It also aims to support or start Schools, Colleges, Training Centers, conducting workshops and seminars, supporting and promoting artists etc in furthering its objectives.


To preserve and promote Bharatiya Identity.


  • To preserve, promote and propagate Sankethi and Bharatiya Culture, Art, Music and Languages
  • To support people and organizations who are doing this work
  • To empower and enable individuals to become positive change agents.
  • To enable institutions to effectively engage community to deliver services.
  • To promote sustainable lifestyles.